Racial Microaggression

Racial microaggression is any comment or action that implies a bias against a person based on race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. These comments or actions may be subtle or forceful; however, they may still be problematic. Many people experience microaggressions from their friends and family members. They may experience these microaggressions in situations where they don't feel particularly threatened or uncomfortable.

Microaggressions are subtle but pervasive. They occur continually throughout our lives – in classrooms, in conversations, in social gatherings, and in social settings where people of color are outnumbered by white people. Microaggressions can be mild, such as a slight smile and slight eye contact; or they can be severe, such as being denied a job or promotion because of your skin color. To make things more difficult, microaggressions can occur in multiple languages.

If you or someone you know is dealing with racial microaggression, give us a call so we can help navigate you through this.

black girl dealing with microaggression